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How subscription renewals work
Updated over a week ago

The way a subscription renews depends on its specific settings. Understanding these settings is key. You can learn more about these settings in our article about Create an auto-renewing credit-based subscription.

Typically subscription-based memberships renew every 1 month following the subscription start date (or whatever frequency has been set in the Pricing option), and then on the same date each month.

What happens when a renewal fails

When a renewal fails, Stripe will attempt to charge the customer again every 2-3 days.

Commonly it is because a customer's card has expired, or the card has been removed from their account.

Note: Customers will be able to attend any future bookings made before the renewal fails. However, they will not be able to book future events until the payment issue is resolved.

Inactive or frozen memberships will not auto-renew

If a subscription remains inactive or frozen then payment will not be taken. Once the membership is made active (or unfrozen) then the subscription will restart from the new date.

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