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Classes included in a pass, pack or subscription
Classes included in a pass, pack or subscription
Updated over a month ago

Booking with a pass, pack or subscription:

Customers can choose between paying a per-class fee or purchasing a pack or subscription. However, there are limitations which can prevent successful bookings.

Pack or subscription limitations:

  • Class inclusion: Memberships may not cover all classes. For example, a "Yoga Membership" might only include Yoga classes, excluding reformer pilates sessions.

  • Membership status: Inactive memberships (expired or not yet active) cannot be used for booking.


When a customer cannot book using a Pack or subscription, check these factors:

  1. Class inclusion: Ensure the desired class is included in the membership.

  2. Membership status: Verify the membership's active status and confirm the class falls within the validity period.

Checking the status:

The image below shows how to check a customers Pack or subscription status for the duration, remaining credits, Pack or subscription type and if any restrictions apply.

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