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Class details
Updated over a week ago

When a schedule of classes has been created, there are a number of actions you can take for administering a class.

How to view class details

In the schedule, clicking on the class name will open the class details page, this page gives you all the important information about the class:

  • Capacity

  • Status

  • Age Restrictions

  • Duration

  • Class Type

  • Off peak

  • Drop in price

  • Instructor/s

  • Class link

  • Bookings

  • Settings

Editing a class (settings)

Over to the right of the page you will see a cog icon ⚙️ - click this icon to reveal these options:

  • Edit class: Click this to edit details about the class.

  • Email class: Click this to select all class participants (or selected ones), create an email message (using the pre-loaded template or write your own message) and send to all selected participants.

  • Duplicate: Duplicate this class - and then edit to update details

  • Cancel: Cancel the class - this will send an email automatically informing participants the class has been cancelled

  • Delete: Removes the class from the schedule


This section of the class detail pages show who's booked onto a class, anyone on a waitlist as well as anyone who has cancelled. Here you can check people into a class, cancel them from the class as well as filter by checkin status.


Easily check members in (and out) of a class by clicking the check in button shown with each member, you will be prompted to confirm you wish to check that person in.

Undo Checkin

To reverse a checkin click the ⚙️ icon associated with the member booking, here you can undo the check-in as well as cancel.

Cancelling a booking

When you need to manually cancel a booking, click the ⚙️ icon associated with the member booking and cancel. You will be prompted to decide whether cancelling this booking will refund the class credit back to the member or not.

Manual Booking

You can manually book a member into a class, start by clicking the Manual Booking + button - search for the member you wish to manually book.

Once the member has been found you have several options to book them onto the class:

  • Book using existing membership: If the person already has a membership/s select the appropriate membership to complete the booking.

  • Book as unpaid: Choose this option to book the person on as unpaid you can then arrange payment with the member at a later date.

  • Book for free: This will book a member in free of charge

  • Point of sale: This will open the POS window, by default if the class has had a drop in price added, this will automatically be added to the cart. Check out this article on Point of sale.

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