When creating a new membership pack, you'll find several payment settings. Here's a quick explanation of how these work.
Pack details
Once you have set up the basic membership pack and saved it, you will then need to add your pricing options, packs can have multiple pricing options for example, you may want to set up a membership pack which is available as a one-time purchase, or on subscription.
Pricing Options
Where you add the required pricing options edit the membership just created and click on 'Add new option'.
Creating a new pricing option
Price: Set the price and whether this pricing option is One time or Recurring
Expiration: Add a number in the box and pick Day, Week, Month, Year
Pack features: Configure the features of your membership pack:
Cancellation fee: If you need to add a fee for cancelling a membership before the expiration date
Freeze Option: Toggle on to activate this feature
Freeze Options: When active you can determine the following:
Freeze Times: How many times a member can freeze their membership, this must be set as either unlimited or restricted to a set number of times - say once or twice during the membership lifetime (commonly used for annual memberships).
Max freeze period: Allows you set how many days a member can freeze their membership for, e.g 7 days or 31 days.
Freeze Fee: You can set an admin fee for allowing members to freeze their membership e.g £10
Introductory offer: When toggled on will apply only to new members without any past purchase history
Location restrictions: Determine if the pricing option applies to one or more of your locations
Pricing option status: Active by default but can be made inactive - and will not show to your members - handy if you have a membership with several pricing options or you introduce a special offer