Waivers are a powerful and flexible feature of Clava.
No longer do you need to use an external waiver provider, on Clava you can create waivers for many different uses.
To add a waiver, click Settings > Waivers
Create a waiver type by clicking '+ Create new'.
Title: give your waiver a title - this will be publically visible - something like Par-Q, Junior Waiver etc.
Show at: choose when this waiver should be shown, options are: OnSignup/Globally, Add connection (when adding family members or connecting with others), Class booking
Applies to: Here you can choose from any age groups you have set up, or if you allow members to supervise or be supervised, choose accordingly
βDescription: Add your waiver text, format the text, add images or video as required
Question: - this is where you can build waiver questions, checkboxes, signatures etc
Conditions: Customise your waivers with conditions. Set specific criteria (yes/no or checkbox questions) to trigger flags for certain responses. When viewing a customer/members profile any waivers that have been flagged will show a red π© symbol indicating there is an issue which requires checking.
βAdd more questions as required
βActive: Set the waiver active or inactive - when inactive the waiver will not be shown to members
Existing members will be required to resubmit: Once a waiver is created and you come back to make any changes, you can forcte the waiver to be shown to members again to read and agree.
Where can members agree to waivers?
When a member logs into their account they will be presented with any waivers which they are required to address. Waivers cannot be skipped, and must be actioned before they can carry out any other tasks - such as book a class etc.
For adding child waivers see the article Add a child wiaver.
For adding a supervision waiver see the article Supervision waivers - Indoor Climbing.