You can place widgets on any website, including those hosted on Wordpress, Squarespace, Wix, etc. They're easy and quick to set up. Here are the available widgets for showing you content for:
To create a widget navigate to Settings / Widgets and click Create New +
You then have the following options to set-up your widget:
iFrame name: Visible only to you in the list of widgets you create
Select iFrame widget: - Pick what widget you want to create, options are:
Classes, Instructors, Locations, Memberships, Profile/Login
iFrame width: Typically 100% - you may want it smaller though on your page
Stylesheet URL: Your webdeveloper can supply this, leave blank until you have it - Stylesheets control the look and feel of your website and when added here, the widgets will use the same styling - fonts, colours etc.
Show header: Same header as your service stor
Show footer: Your service store footer
Show filters: To show a filter when the widget loads on the webpage for people to use
Pre-filtered view: When enabled will allow to granular control on what to display, when enabled you can choose any combination of:
Locations: One or more locations
Class types: One or more locations
Instructor: One or more instructors
Peak/Off Peak: if you have any classes set as off peak
Once happy with setting your options click Create.
You will now see the embed code below Get the code
You will also see a preview of how your widget will look when loaded on your webpage.
Tweak any settings, click update will refresh the preview.
Once done, simply copy the code and send to your web dev or add to the webpage you are working on, following the instructions on how to embed code in the page builder you are using to build your website.